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15: Losing Your Identity in a Role - and Rediscovering "You" In Your New Season
Have you ever found yourself in a new role or new season and realized that you don't feel like "you" anymore? Today's episode is for you! Courtney and Brigette talk about how this happens to so many of us when we become Moms, but also have been through seasons of feeling like your identity is lost inside of a job, role, or even a relationship. <br/><br/>Listen in for relatable conversation, especially for those new moms or moms in waiting. We share some real things you can do to rediscover and reclaim your identity (and your joy! your sense of belonging! your wholeness!) through the season and beyond. We can't wait to hear what you think about today's episode! <br/><br/>Connect With Us!<br/>Her Wholeness Website<br/> Facebook Podcast Community<br/>Email us - herwholenesspodcast@gmail.com<br/> Her Wholeness on IG - @her_wholeness_podcast<br/>Brigette on IG - @brigettemilandCredits:<br/> Music by Elliot Dix<br/> Elliot on IG - @street_magik <br/> <br/> We are so grateful for your listen and getting to connect with you! Can you help us by sharing this podcast with a friend?