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18. Millennial Mental Health
Chris and Gigi have a special guest Sarah on to discuss mental health and the Millennial Generation.We recognize that we are all at different stages of life and there a many inputs that affect our day to day life's.We belief that recognizing and taking steps to maintain or improve individual mental health is paramount to navigating our modern life and integral to our individual well being.We encourage everyone to look within and outside of themselves and invite everyone to take steps to improve their mental health or support others on their journey to improve.Whether you are burnt out in your workplace or personal life, or find that you have more serious symptoms, there are resources that are available to you.If you are in need of help, we encourage you to reach out to a trusted person in your life or community or there are resources such as the National Crisis text line 741741 that are trained to assist those looking for help. Additionally, there is a National Crisis and Suicide number 988 that is also available with trained resources that are in place to assist.Gigi and I love our small community and are here to support everyone on the successes and failures of their life journey.