#22: Unilateral weight training: Tips for avoiding & correcting muscle imbalances

0 Views· 07/11/23
In Drama

Links mentioned in episode: Join waitlist for fall 2023 group training program >Online self-study course: Learn to Lift at the Gym >In this week's episode, I answer a question posed by one of the podcast listeners: How to correct muscle imbalances with unilateral training. We'll look at the many reasons why muscle imbalances may develop and how to avoid and correct them with unilateral training. Even if you are just starting out weight training, this is a topic to be aware of because you may inadvertently be training in a way that allows your body to use one side more than the other.I answer questions about muscle imbalances including:How can you get muscle imbalances?How can you tell you have muscle imbalances?What can you do to correct muscle imbalances?How can you avoid getting muscle imbalances?I answer questions about unilateral training including: What is unilateral training?What are the benefits of unilateral training?How can I incorporate unilateral exercises into my workout routine?How does unilateral training differ from bilateral training?What are some examples of unilateral exercises?<br/>#unilateraltraining #weighttraining101 #fitafter40 #fitafter50 #fitforlife #fitmom #buildmuscleafter40 #antiaging #healthspan #fitover40 #fitafter50 #fitnesscoach #midlifefitnesscoach #menopausefitness #menopausehealth #midlife<br/><br/>Group coaching? Might you be interested in joining my group coaching program in the fall of 2023? If so, let me know by joining the waitlist >><br/><br/>Welcome! In case we haven't met, I'm Lynn, a 52-year-old fitness coach on a mission to help 40+ women get started with healthier habits including weight training. <br/>Have any questions or just want to chat? I'd love to hear from you!<br/> <br/>Support the show:<br/>If you'd like to support the show, you can Buy Me A Coffee ☕<br/><br/>Free content: <br/>Guide: How to start weight training after 40 >><br/>Guide: 5 Things You Need to Do to Build Muscle >><br/>For weekly tips and information subscribe to my weekly newsletter>><br/>Follow me on Instagram: befitafter40_withlynn/<br/> <br/>My programs:<br/>Check out my online programs: More info here >><br/> I offer 1-to-1 coaching: Apply here >><br/><br/>

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