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229 FP Interview of Jim White_Being The Parent Your Teen Needs You To Be_Pt 3
My guest, Jim White, has spent the last 40 years studying the topics of personal development, marriage and parenting. More importantly, He has also spent those 40 years applying these lessons and living his life as a husband, a father to 6 children and a grandfather to 12. Jim’s Call to action: https://www.familyenrichmentacademy.com/questions Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fami....lyenrichmentacademy/ www.familyenrichmentacademy.com Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channe....l/UC5KxKx0WQAwmz5qKh Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/The-F....amily-Enrichment-Aca you can get a copy of Stan's book FearLESS Parenting at: https://tinyurl.com/FearLESSly-Parenting. <br/> <br/> Free Parental Resource From FearLESS Parenting: https://www.dropbox.com/t/IGL3ELKRb5QCOn1i Get your copy of Stan's book FearLESS Parenting at: https://tinyurl.com/FearLESSly-Parenting. <br/><br/> Free Parental Resource From FearLESS Parenting: https://www.dropbox.com/t/IGL3ELKRb5QCOn1i<br/><br/>Also, please, please check each podcast episode's description to see my guest host links!<br/>God Bless!!!