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244 Yes Dads, You Can Overcome Limiting Beliefs & Self-Doubt
The main goal of this episode is for every dad out there to know that they can become a great dad without having to give into their self doubts and limiting beliefs. We are all human and we all struggle, at some level, with both self-doubt and limiting beliefs. This episode discusses ways you can move past your limiting beliefs. And at the same time you are pushing past your limiting beliefs, you'll provide your children with a living example of how to push past their own limiting beliefs. If you want to know how to take yourself to the next level and avoid falling into the trap of limiting beliefs, don't lose a single minute. <br/>Head on over to both get a copy of my book: The Top 12 Mistakes People Struggling With Limiting Beliefs Make And How To Avoid Them So You Can Become The Best Version Of Yourself on Amazon. <br/><br/>The following will take you to where you can find my book on Amazon: "Click Here" <br/> It’ll be the best $8 you’ll ever spend on yourself. Free Parental Resource From FearLESS Parenting: "Resource Yourself By Clicking Here"<br/><br/>Also, please, please check each podcast episode's description to see all podcast related links!<br/><br/>God Bless!!!