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61. Designing A Legacy That Lasts
Men of Movement - In Person Retreat, Nov. 10-12thmikesalemi.io/menofmovementretreatThe Path To Inspired Action - Virtual Coaching, Starts Oct. 2ndmikesalemi.io/thepathtoinspiredactionWelcome to another one on one with Mike on The Path podcast. Today is all about legacy. Prepare as I guide you through a meditation practice to connect with the energy of the legacy you wish to leave behind. Explore what it means to be remembered not only for your accomplishments but also for the values, impact, and feelings you've cultivated throughout your life. Unlock the transformative power of envisioning your legacy and how it can influence generations to come. You will embrace the opportunity to define and choose the path that resonates with your heart and soul. Your journey begins here!Timestamps00:00 Intro01:19 Meditation Begins06:54 Meditation Ends, Feeling The Results11:13 Final CommentsMike Salemiwww.Mikesalemi.ioInstagram: @Mike.Salemi