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Back Door Trauma | COOP THERAPY #27
* COOP THERAPY #27 *Lots of dubstep, lots of laughs, lots of aliens, and a rogue finger. Enjoy :)
00:00 Engaging Conversation About Being Sad and Sap
00:53 Making Maple Syrup and Joking About 'Vermont Cocaine'
02:18 Reflections on Running a Stage at a Dubstep Festival
04:09 Managing Anxiety and Celebrating Achievements
04:53 The Challenges of Production and Frustrations with DJs
06:11 Excessive Microphone Usage in Performances
06:38 Favorite Order at Chipotle and Dubstep Genres
08:04 Expressing frustration with something slow and noisy
08:22 Exploring Music Genres and Artists
08:51 Reflections on a Comedy Set
10:10 Reflecting on an Event Experience
11:13 Frustration and Jokes about Disks and Dubstep Festivals
11:34 VJ Stance and Favorite Shirts
12:53 Transcript Highlights
13:14 Discussion on Rick and Morty Shirts and a Controversial T-shirt Phrase
13:44 Late-Night Surprise at an Event
14:11 Observations at an Event
14:42 Observations and Criticisms at a Festival
16:11 Comparison of Metal Mosh Pits and Dubstep Mosh Pits
19:46 Tiredness and Silly Drunk Stories
20:17 Disappointment in Prizes at Dave and Buster's
22:13 Reflections on Hangovers and Drinking Habits
23:34 Embarrassing Drunk Stories and Lying About Perfume
24:46 Parenting Dilemmas and Finding a Middle Ground
25:37 The Girl Who Chose Weed Over Alcohol
26:02 The Excessive Use of Dabs and the Safety of Drug Use
27:20 Cutting Pills and Encapsulating Food
28:19 Eating Pre-Cooked and Cold Hot Dogs
28:47 Enthusiasm for Food and Political Campaign
30:05 Siestas and the Work Week: A Presidential Perspective
31:22 Conversation about Paving, Healthcare, and Doctor Shortages
32:29 Choosing Between Cardiology and Gastroenterology
34:05 Insights into the Medical Field: Rotations, Hierarchy, and Pay Disparities
35:53 Discussing Smells and Being Unwell
36:41 Conversations About Smelly People, Accidents, and Diapers
37:10 A Surprising Visit to the Urologist
38:27 A Traumatizing Prostate Examination Experience
40:20 A Personal Experience and Recommendations for Pelvic Floor Health
43:27 Casual Conversation about Pelvic Floor Exercises and Urologist Visit
45:15 A Humorous Conversation about a Colonoscopy Experience
46:35 Discussion about Urologists and Snipping
47:33 Discussion about Nails, Tips, and Hypotheticals
48:29 Fun and Alternative Ideas
48:57 Discussing Time Travel and Preferences
50:13 70s Folk Music, Woodstock, and the Drug Culture
51:32 Free Love, Fashion, and Time Travel
52:30 Reflections, Aliens, and Mark Cuban
53:45 Conversations about Drug Companies, a Chemist, and Aliens
55:13 Disinterest in Dealing with Extraterrestrials
56:16 Conversation about Subterranean Living, Aliens, and Human Actions
57:38 The Influence of Aliens and Other Factors on Human Evolution
58:51 Ancient People with Night Vision and Kesha's Thoughts on Evolution
1:00:32 Belief in Aliens and Government Cover-up
1:01:48 The Influence of Religion on Society
1:02:18 Religion, Aliens, and Conspiracy Theories: A Humorous Conversation
1:04:00 Discussion about Shape and a Shout-out to Grandma
1:04:26 A Badass Woman: Episode 27
1:04:56 Suggestion for a PSA
1:05:16 Taking Care of Your Health and Engaging with Content----------------------------------------Listen on Spotify: http://rb.gy/6waxaListen on Apple Podcasts:http://rb.gy/bvowo------------....-------------------- us on Instagram!Podcast: https://www.instagram.com/cooptherapy...Laura: https://www.instagram.com/laurababyy13/Trevor: https://www.instagram.com/tgna....rland/-------------- of us are licensed medical professionals. Any advice or guidance is strictly for entertainment purposes