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Becoming A Category-of-One: #3 Elevate Your Message
What’s the secret to a marketing message that sticks and resonates with a premium audience? I answer that question in this episode with a step-by-step roadmap to consistently standing out online and aligning your offering with an audience that’s willing to pay you for your expertise. Learn how to redefine your niche, communicate the unmatched value of your brilliance, and position yourself as the dream choice for your best-match clients. Key Takeaways: How to identify your best-match premium client so you can market to an audience full of premium clients.
The key to packaging, pricing, and positioning of your offer to elevate your online presence and increase your conversions.
How to clearly articulate the value of your offer in your messaging so you can consistently demonstrate your expertise without feeling like you’re bragging. <br/>Resources Referenced:Episode 137: Becoming A Category of One Series: #1 Don’t Dominate, Play In Your Own LeagueEpisode 138: Becoming A Category-of-One #2: How To Think Like A Thought LeaderEpisode 52: MVP: Speaking To The Top 1% of Your MarketApple Podcast | Spotify Connect With Kinsey Machos: Website | Instagram | LinkedIn | Facebook If you want to stand out online and get clients, join our free masterclass, Newsfeed Masterclass: www.kinseymachos.com/newsfeedIf you’re ready to take your coaching business to the next level with a framework that will get you fully booked with top-tier clients, join us inside The Category Queen School Today: https://kinseymachos.com/thecqschoolAbout the HostKinsey Machos is the host and founder of The Category Queen, a podcast and community for coaches, consultants, and course creators. She left her six-figure corporate salary to pursue her passion for helping women unlock their unique brilliance and achieve success in their businesses. Kinsey's mission is to help entrepreneurs gain recognition, reach more people, and make more money while balancing success with motherhood and marriage.