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Branding for Success with Kaila Piepkow of Dox Design
First things first, branding is WAY more than designing a logo. It’s the colors, the fonts, the visuals, and the icons, and at Dox Design, it's the textures and custom patterns too!<br/><br/>Kaila Piepkow is the Founder of Dox Design. She is a go to branding professional, creative, and hype gal, and she shares some incredible tips for retailers in this episode.<br/><br/>Creating a brand means creating a visual story that resonates with your PCG. These visuals should be able to tell your audience who you are without having to read any accompanying text!! This visual layer is your first step to resonating and pulling those customers in. <br/><br/>The most important element for branding: COLORS. Kaila says this over and over again throughout the show. Pick those colors with purpose and use them with consistency. Then let the other visuals (logo, fonts, icons, patterns, & textures) complement your brand's color palette.<br/><br/>Want to know how powerful a brand's color is? Think about megabrands like Home Depot and Tiffany’s. What comes to mind? <br/><br/>Listen, if you’re plugging and chugging with random free Canva templates and calling it branding, WE ARE TALKING TO YOU. Consistency is key here. Canva is a great tool, but Kaila encourages you to use the brand tool kit feature to create a color and font palette that you stick to for every single visual.<br/><br/>Does that mean you can’t get creative and switch things up? No. Kaila suggests using purposefully designed seasonal icons and elements to compliment your brand as the year, weather, and holidays change. <br/><br/>You don’t want to miss all the good info in this episode, and get your branding to be top notch. Need a little more help? Check out Dox Design on social media and at their website. <br/><br/>I’m rooting for your success. <br/><br/>What’s Inside:What is branding?What’s the difference between your logo and your brand?What are the key elements for branding success?Tools to support successful branding.Is your brand resonating with your PCG?Unique opportunities to use your branding visuals.Mentioned In This Episode:<br/>Dox Design<br/>Branding & Packaging Design Studio (@dox.design) on Instagram<br/>Free Design Tool: Presentations, Video, Social Media | Canva<br/>EVOLVE 2024 in Denver, CO - Crystal Media<br/>Crystal Media Insiders<br/>Crystal Media<br/>Crystal on Instagram<br/>Crystal Media on Instagram<br/>Crystal Media Co - YouTube