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Can Special Needs and Classical Education Go Together?
Can a child with "special needs" receive a "classical" education?Absolutely! Today's guest, Cheryl Swope, author of Simply Classical: A Beautiful Education for Any Child, inspires parents and educators with her academic expertise and personal experience. In the first of a 2-part interview, you will learn about assessments, recognizing what may qualify for a special need, how to get help, and so much more!Cheryl holds a master's degree in special education, lifetime K-12 state teaching certifications in learning disabilities and behavior disorders. Along with her husband, Cheryl adopted a boy/girl set of twins with special needs including autism, learning disabilities, and schizophrenia. Now grown adults, they are a testament to the reality a rich, vibrant education is possible. Cheryl is the creator of the "Simply Classical" program, a classical education curriculum used by home educators and schools. She offers consulting to private individuals and schools to help them educate their special needs children and students with excellence.Free readiness assessments are available for parents and school leaders on the website. Be sure to visit the website for summer training programs.Visit Simply Classical to get started. (Note: The web address will take you to a page on the Memoria Press site. That's okay; you'll be at the right place!)Have you subscribed to the "3 Keys" newsletter yet? It only takes one idea, insight, or resource to move between good, better, and best! That's where the "3 Keys" newsletter can help. No grating clutter; just great content. To subscribe, visit Key 3 Educators. You can also find information on speaking engagements for students, parents, and staff on the website. No yada, yada, yada. Meaningful presentations worthy of your precious time.Remember, your impact truly is immeasurable, eternal, and irreplaceable!Learn yourself, Love God, Live connected.