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Clueless and Busy Healing
On this weeks episodeKelsey and KaelynnTalk about the differences that they have had in their summer to start, Kaelynn shares how overwhelmed she has been even without a baseball schedule. Kelsey talks about some really heavy topics this week, one of the most important is things that we wish our parents would say to us in order for us to heal. Multiple discussions on the dynamic of boundaries and how to heal from the past trauma. They share some new habits that are helping the dynamic of their growth and some tips along the way.Chase Stafford was found, with a heavy heart we share her family’s gofundme to help them with the financial burden of laying her to rest:https://www.gofundme.com/f/chase-stafford?member=26968199&sharetype=teams&utm_campaign=p_na+share-sheet&utm_medium=more&utm_source=customer&mibextid=Zxz2cZIf you or someone you know is struggling with domestic violence, please reach out 24/7Call: 800-799-7233Text: START to 88788National Domestic Hotline Website https://www.thehotline.org/Domestic Violence YWCADomestic Violence Services - YWCA Nashville & Middle TennesseeKelsey’s tips of the week:The benefits of mushrooms in your diet.https://pin.it/7GjTP5cShout out to Coach B for teaching us about reading nutrition labels! Tune in every Friday for new episodes! Follow us Instagram @twowithoutaclue_kaelandkelsLike us on Facebook “Two Without a Clue” https://rss.com/podcasts/twowi....thoutaclue/?fbclid=P