Crafts Direct and Back Shed Brewing Celebrate Anniversaries in Waite Park, MN
This week I sit down with one of the owners of Crafts Direct and Back Shed Brewing in Waite Park, Scott Schlect. Scott shares the story of both of these family-run businesses that his dad started the generations to follow carried on. Check out Crafts Direct online: https://www.craftsdirect.com/Check out Back Shed Brewing online: https://www.backshedbrewing.com/Theme Song: "Queen of Our Hometown" by Rachel McIntyre Smith Stream it: https://open.spotify.com/track..../6wxPmnjHeaxV5LkPqVE Website: https://www.rachelmcintyresmith.com/Follow Rachel on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rach....elmcintyresmith/Expe and exploring everything that makes small towns great. Abbey (The Small Town Tourist) sits down with people to share stories about the towns they live in, the cool services they provide, and more. Visit online at https://thesmalltowntourist.com/