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Creative Fire in Vietnam: Illustrator Ben Nguyen explains sharing your work to get the spotlight
Ben Nguyen is a Saigon-based creative whose work focuses on illustration, interior design, and visual merchandising. In this talk, he shares about how while his road to his artistic career was certainly not a straightforward one, the experiences, connections, and opportunities he found along the way all contributed to him ultimately becoming the multi-talented individual he is today.You'll get some insights into the job-hunting process in Vietnam, the creative scene in Vietnam today, and the importance of using social media to share your work and make connections.Where to find Ben:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/itsbennguyen
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=POy4aGmQv9w&feature=youtu.be
Homepage: https://www.itsbennguyen.com/Interview filmed at Nonnative Creative's partner location, The Hive Villa: https://thehivevilla.com/Join Nonnative Creative on Patreon and get access to patron-only extras! Your support will help the project grow!
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Website: https://nonnativecreative.com/Find Alisha on social media:
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