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Crystals,Gemstones,Reiki and Energy Healing W/ Jennifer Gaylord
On this episode of Talking With The Source the guys are joined by Medium and Energy Healer Jennifer Gaylord! Join Us as we dive deep into the enigma. The world of Crystals and Gemstones and mystic arts of Energy Healing! We also discuss Jennifer’s store in Durham CT,USA called Borrowed Time Emporium ( www.BorrowedTimeEmporium.com) where she sells the finest cut Crystals and Gemstones from all over! Jennifer also shares some amazing Crystals live and discusses their benefits and even how to use these crystals to enhance your life!As Always though there’s much more to this episode than just that, Join us in some great laughs and thought provoking discussions!only on Talking With The Source!Here is Talking With The Sources Offial Website for all Links , Paranormal evidence, Sponsors and more