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CWCF 104 – Brian Earl from Christmas Past (#ChristmasPodcastDay Bonus Episode)
It’s a #ChristmasPodcastDay bonus episode as we welcome Brian Earl, host of Christmas Past and author of “Christmas Past: The Fascinating Stories Behind Our Favorite Holiday’s Traditions.’ Download here! 00:00 – 01:34 Intro<br /> 01:34 – 34:39 Brian Earl Interview<br /> 34:39 – 46:35 “Not My Holiday” Game<br /> 46:35 – 48:46 Wrap Up<br /> 48:46 – 50:44 Outtakes (now with more insanity) “We Wish You A Merry Christmas” United States Marine Band<br /> “Jingle Bells” Performed by Kristen Nowicki (The embedded player for the episode is bellow the links) Christmas Past: The Fascinating Stories Behind Our Favorite Holiday’s Traditions (The Book)<br /> https://christmaspastpodcast.com/book/ Christmas Past (The Podcast)<br /> https://christmaspastpodcast.com/podcast/ Listen to Underneath the Tree right now:<br /> https://open.spotify.com/track/3ycgNP9x70kpYavRyPwODZ?autoplay=true<br /> https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=thqw3zeTMII&feature=share<br /> https://www.pandora.com/artist/kelly-clarkson-holiday/wrapped-in-red-deluxe-version/underneath-the-tree/TRvVnpJ2nfjbq4J?corr=knowledge_panel<br /> https://music.apple.com/us/alb....um/underneath-the-tr