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CWFC 114 – Remembering Tony Bennett
On this episode, it’s our 8th anniversary listener appreciation special. So, we’ll celebrate the legendary Tony Bennett, countdown the top five Australian Christmas traditions, and put a little Christmas in your workout routine. Plus, it’s finally time to move on to round 2 of Merry Music Madness. Download here! VOTE HERE FOR MERRY MUSIC MADNESS (Round 2 – Part 1) 00:00 – 01:51 Intro<br /> 01:51 – 04:31 We Need a Little Christmas Now<br /> 04:31 – 11:11 Five Golden Things (Australian Christmas Traditions)<br /> 11:11 – 17:54 Santa Babb’s Mailbag<br /> 17:54 – 34:23 Remembering Tony Bennett<br /> 34:21 – 37:48 Merry Music Madness Round 2 – Part 1<br /> 37:48 – 41:07 Wrap Up<br /> 41:07 – 43:21 Outtakes “We Wish You A Merry Christmas” United States Marine Band<br /> “Jingle Bells” Performed by Kristen Nowicki (The embedded player for the episode is bellow the links) POV Walk Through New York at Christmas<br /> https://youtu.be/OC0cVvZVEL4 POV Walk Through London at Christmas<br /> https://youtu.be/sApvDcSNUkw POV Walk Through Disneyland at Christmas<br /> https://youtu.be/OtY4NREEPyw<br /> https://youtu.be/qQVYphi4U6c Season’s Eatings podcast<br /> https://seasonseatingspodcast.libsyn.com/ Foreign Festive Film Fans podcast<br /> https://4fpodcast.buzzsprout.com Entertainment Community Fund<br /> https://entertainmentcommunity.org/