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Ep. #91: Out, Wild & Gay in Wales, Part 2
In this unconventional Bonus episode of the Coming Out Late podcast, Robin continues telling the tale of her experience getting to the Out & Wild Women’s Wellness Festival in Wales. Three flights, four different train changes, one questionable cab ride and a thoughtful car lift TO the festival was “all it took” for Robin to eventually arrive at Out & Wild! Listen to Part 2 to the crazy ups-n-downs of Robin’s journey to Wales!In this episode you will learn… You are stronger, wiser and more resilient than you give yourself credit for.Be accountable to yourself, and take responsibility for your actions.Smile and say “please” and “thank you”. Have gratitude and show it.Ask for help. (Most people really do want to lend a hand!)Cry when needed; then blow your nose and go to Plan B.Don’t give up on yourself. Growth occurs within the experiences of adversity.Trust the process. You are exactly where you are supposed to be.Drop ALL expectations!Feel the fear and do it anyway.Wanna support our “Coming Out Late” podcast? Then please consider buying Robin a “virtual” coffee as a sign of your appreciation. Simply go to: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/RobinDouglassLinks to resources:PRIVATE ONE-on-ONE COACHING w/ROBIN DOUGLASSIf you are struggling to make sense-of your COMING OUT LATE journey, then send me an email and request the Info Sheet for my 1:1 coaching. It REALLY DOES make a BIG difference to have someone like me who really ‘gets you’, and who has been through it. Email me at: Comingoutlater@gmail.com.Here's the Support Group Weekly Schedule:WOMEN LOVING WOMEN SUPPORT GROUP:Every OTHER Thurs. Evenings, (alternating w/Fifty Plus & Fabulous),6pm PST / 9pm EST, in Zoom, via Buy Me A Coffee, $5https://www.buymeacoffee.com/R....obinDouglass/e/14178 SCHEDULE:Thursdays @ 6pm Pacific Coast Time (9pm East Coast Time):<br/> June 29; July 13, 27; August 10, 24; September 7, 21; October 5, 19; November 2, 16, 30; December 14, 28. FIFTY PLUS & FABULOUS:Every OTHER Thurs. Evenings, (alternating w/Women Loving Women),6pm PST / 9pm EST, in Zoom, via Buy Me A Coffee, $5https://www.buymeacoffee.com/R....obinDouglass/e/93024 SCHEDULE:Thursdays @ 6pm Pacific Coast Time (9pm East Coast Time):<br/> July 6, 20; August 3, 17, 31; September 14, 28; October 12, 26; November 9, 23; December 7, 21THE NOT-STRAIGHT SUPPORT GROUP:EVERY Wednesday, 12:30pm EST, in Zoom, via Buy Me A Coffee, $5https://www.buymeacoffee.com/R....obinDouglass/e/93135 support our “Coming Out Late” podcast? Then please consider 'buying me a coffee' as a sign of appreciation for bringing you this awesome podcast week after week. Any and all donations are deeply, deeply appreciated!! Simply go to: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/RobinDouglassCOMING OUT LATE FB GROUP:Join our private FB Group: Coming Out Late at:www.facebook.com/groups/209443717714063/