Ep. #93: The Out & Wild Women's Festival, Group Recap, Part 2

0 Views· 07/03/23
Coming Out Late
Coming Out Late
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In this Part 2 episode of the Out & Wild Women’s Wellness Festival, Robin recaps the experiences we each had with this group of queer Festival goers, culminating the conversation asking everyone to describe one memory that has stayed with them long after they’ve returned home.In this episode you will hear the Festival attendees reflect-on… What is ONE word that describes your experience at the Out & Wild Women’s Wellness Festival? And why?Who were you before the Festival, but more importantly, who were you and how were you feeling AFTER the Festival was over?Name the one memory or experience you have taken from the Festival that stands out in your heart and in your mind above all the other possible memories?Wanna support our “Coming Out Late” podcast? Then please consider buying Robin a “virtual” coffee as a sign of your appreciation. Simply go to: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/RobinDouglassLinks to resources:PRIVATE ONE-on-ONE COACHING w/ROBIN DOUGLASSIf you are struggling to make sense-of and MANAGE this new aspect of your COMING OUT LATE life, then I encourage you to request the information sheet on my one-on-one coaching. Email me at: Comingoutlater@gmail.com.OUT & WILD WOMEN’S WELLNESS FESTIVAL: May 31 - June 3, 2024<br/>Look for the “Out & Wild Women’s Festival” Facebook Group.<br/>OUT & WILD WOMEN’S WELLNESS FESTIVAL - WEBSITE:<br/>https://www.beoutandabout.co.uk/out-wild-festival/<br/><br/>SUPPORT GROUPS:There is a $5 cover charge to attend each meeting. You must Register for these and all Support Groups every week, using the links below:THE NOT-STRAIGHT SUPPORT GROUP:<br/>Wednesdays, 12:30pm EST, in Zoom, via Buy Me A Coffee, $5<br/>https://www.buymeacoffee.com/R....obinDouglass/e/93135 LOVING WOMEN SUPPORT GROUP: Beginning JUNE 29th.<br/>Every OTHER Thurs. Evenings, (alternating w/Fifty Plus & Fabulous),<br/>6pm PST / 9pm EST, in Zoom, via Buy Me A Coffee, $5<br/>https://www.buymeacoffee.com/R....obinDouglass/e/14178 Schedule:<br/>Thursdays @ 6pm Pacific Coast Time (9pm East Coast Time):<br/> June 29; July 13, 27; August 10, 24; September 7, 21; October 5, 19; November 2, 16, 30; December 14, 28.FIFTY PLUS & FABULOUS: Beginning JULY 6th<br/>Every OTHER Thurs. Evenings, (alternating w/Women Loving Women),<br/>5pm PST / 8pm EST, in Zoom, via Buy Me A Coffee, $5<br/>https://www.buymeacoffee.com/R....obinDouglass/e/93024 Schedule:<br/>Thursdays @ 6pm Pacific Coast Time (9pm East Coast Time):<br/> July 6, 20; August 3, 17, 31; September 14, 28; October 12, 26; November 9, 23; December 7, 21.COMING OUT LATE FB GROUP:<br/>Join our private FB Group: Coming Out Late at:<br/>www.facebook.com/groups/209443717714063/<br/><br/>

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