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Episode 0180—35 Years of Grant Averted
The team explores one of our favorite ways to create a fork by changing the medical outcome for a US President. In this case, James Garfield goes on to actually serve as President beyond a few short months.<br/><br/>Link to Referenced Anatomical Drawing:<br/>https://www.aforkintimepodcast.com/file-share/ea884216-150a-4e88-a22f-b74d7ff2a867<br/><br/>You can follow and interact with A Fork In Time on….<br/>Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aforkintime<br/>Twitter: @AFITPodcast<br/>Discord: https://discord.com/invite/xhZEmZMKFS<br/>Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/aforkintime<br/>Our YouTube Channel<br/><br/>If you enjoy the podcast and want to support it financially, you can help by:<br/>Supporting us monthly via Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/aforkintime<br/>....or, make a one-time donation via Podfan to A Fork In Time or The Room Where It Happened<br/><br/><br/>Website: www.aforkintimepodcast.com<br/>E-Mail: aforkintimepodcast@gmail.com<br/>Direct Link to Listener Survey: https://www.aforkintimepodcast.com/listenersurvey<br/><br/>Join Us for Online Diplomacy Play<br/>Information on our Website<br/><br/>Check Out The Room Where It Happened, our other podcast where the focus is on "real" history:<br/>https://www.aforkintimepodcast.com/theroomwhereithappened<br/><br/>Theme Music: Conquer by Shane Ivers - https://www.silvermansound.comSupport the show