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Episode 19: Living Your Ideal Life
In this episode, Muge and I visit with Mark Congdon, the founder of The Ideal Life, one of 10 ten distinct companies united towards a singular purpose of helping others achieve fulfilling happiness in their lives using the I GOT This Framework. We are going to dive into Mark's journey and tap into his advice. We learn about how shifting perspective and planning on the person you want to be in the future, can help you more effectively complete both short- and long-term goals. Mark does a phenomenal job of connecting how the brains reward system works to demystify and empower our listeners to learn more about the role neuroscience plays in goal setting and achievement. Listeners who would like to learn more after tuning should visit:Theideallife.com - consider joining a cohort for 1:few sessions to put the "I Got This" Framework to work for you.Theideallife.com - consider being a coach of the program and learn more about how to become certified. If you liked what you heard, please leave a review as it helps others discover the program. Thanks for spending time with us!