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Episode 4: Spirituality & What That Means To Us
Hi Friends! Welcome back to episode four of the Forget Me Not Diaries! On this episode, Tyra and Brea get together to discuss their personal spiritual beliefs and explain a little bit about where their spiritual origins began. We understand that spirituality can be a sensitive and very personal topic, and as such we just want to say these are our opinions, our beliefs, and how we explore spirituality. We never want to make people feel bad for their own beliefs or practices. We believe that everyone is entitled to respect regarding their spiritual beliefs and that tolerance and acceptance are key. This world is a big one, with many different ways of exploring and explaining spirituality and the human experience we all share. So, please, get comfy, grab some snacks, and let's get deep! We would love to hear your thoughts, questions, and concerns! Hit us up on social media or via email! Our Instagram is @forgetmenot.diaries and our email is fmndiariespodcast@gmail.com! And as always like, comment, and share us with your friends! We appreciate your time and can't wait to spend more of it interacting with you! xoxo Brea and Tyra