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Episode 4 - The Recruitment & Retention Committee
The MPFFU Podcast Episode 4 is NOW AVAILABLE! <br/><br/>In this episode, I sit down with Scott Korycki, who has a long history and depth of experience as a professional firefighter and an active union representative at the local and state level. Scott is a current firefighter paramedic with Dearborn Fire Department local 412, as well as the MPFFU Recruitment and Retention Committee Chairperson. <br/><br/>During this episode, Scott will appreciate the value of understanding the role and functions of MPFFU and its locals. Then, he’ll Describe the role of the MPFFU Recruitment and Retention Committee, as well as their current functions and objectives. Finally, Scott will describe how MPFFU members can get informed, educated, and/or directly involved with the MPFFU Recruitment & Retention Committee, as well as its goals and objectives.mpffupodcast@gmail.com. <br/>Instagram @m.p.f.f.u. <br/>Please subscribe to the MPFFU YouTube channel<br/><br/>#recruitment #MPFFU #iaff #union #fraternal #family ...