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Episode 7: Finding Her Voice Through Photography & Curation With Dominique Nok
Welcome to episode seven of Photo Mama Podcast – conversations on all things motherhood, photography and life. In this episode, we are joined by Dominique Nok, a Black female portrait photographer and curator who was born in Paramaribo, Suriname in the West Indies.
With more than 20 years of experience as a commercial photographer, she has been a magazine editor and has a bachelor’s degree in Journalism and a Master's in Curating. She also judges photography and art competitions and occasionally writes for a photography magazine.
Her photographic work has been featured in the Guardian, BBC Midlands, ITV.com, various business Dutch magazines, and The Voice of Holland, and has been exhibited at Midland Art Centre, Deptford does Art, London – Harris Museum, Preston, The Photography Show, Birmingham, and FUJIFILM House of Photography.
Her curatorial career started with the exhibition ‘We Are Here’ for UKBFTOG (UK Black Female Photographers) in Walsall. Since then she created platforms for talented predominantly female (identifying) visual artists. At Midlands Arts Centre she worked with individual artists and collectives such as Maryam Wahid, Sharon Walters, Mixed Rage Collective, Nilupa Yasmin, Grayson’s Art Club and Adeela Suleman.
Dominique is passionate about contributing to conversations involving equal representation of female artists from the African diaspora and from Black, Asian and Global Majority heritage.
Eleven years ago, Dominique, along with her husband and two daughters, made the exciting move from Amsterdam to settle in London.
Don't forget to connect with Dominique here:Website: https://www.dominiquenok.com/Instagram: @dominiquenok
Here are some of the resources mentioned in the podcast:
UK Black Female Photographers (UKBFTOG) - https://ukbftog.com/Jemella Ukaegbu ‘UKBFTOG Founder’ - https://www.mellzphotography.co.uk/
Fujifilm House of Photography - https://www.fujifilm-houseofphotography.com/
Photo Frome - https://photofrome.org/
Stuart Hall ‘Familiar Stranger’ - https://amzn.to/3Z2Pf39
Michael R. Van Vlymen ‘How To See In The Spirit’ - https://amzn.to/3P5nLoK
Brian Godawa ‘Noah Primeval’ - https://amzn.to/3sAHmFY
Julia Cameron ‘ The Artist Way’ - https://amzn.to/3qWBrKY
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