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Eps 427 | Taking back control & Quantum Manifestation
0:00 Intro TGIF1:58 Hot Coffee Update - Kyle and Mauricio PROOF8:50 Hot Coffee Topic - Roller Coaster Stuck upside don 3 hours12:05 Hot Coffee Topic - Bay Area Couple Falsely accused of kidnapping18:35 MIke’s Macros - Weight loss Update20:30 Perception of progress, (Progress is slower than it appears on social media)27:14 Nothing should control you - The Difference between restriction and control39:27 Quantum Manifestation - How to Manifest step by step Amazon Storefront: https://www.amazon.com/shop/mrsceo_jLTK Fashion Links: https://www.shopLTK.com/explore/MrsCEO_JInstagram: https://instagram.com/mrsceo_jWeight Loss IG: https://instagram.com/@jsbodybootcampTikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@mrsceo_j Mike’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/@escoelitefitness 1UP Nutrition Code: JEANINEhttps://www.1upnutrition.com CRZ YOGA code: MRSCEOJ to save 10%CRZyoga: https://us.crzyoga.com/?ref=JEANINEESCOBAR Code: MRSCEOJ to save 15%Popilush Shapewear Dresses: https://www.popilush.com/colle....ctions/shop-all?ref=