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Fertility Friendly Food Q&A | Season 3 Finale | Episode 82
It's the last episode of season 3! Today I turned the episode over to YOU with a Q&A! We cover so many topics including insulin resistance, the best cheese for fertility, how we can increase our vitamin D for fertility, and even a question about my career. It's a real mixed bag but it was so fun to make this one! I hope you enjoy it, keep those questions coming for next year!<br/><br/> Thank you so much for all your support in 2022!<br/><br/>P.S. We are currently hosting our biggest sale ever, 40% off our digital products including meal plans, cookbook, eBooks and masterclasses, use code TDTURNS4 until Sunday November 20th at 11:59PM AEDT (Sydney time) to save at: https://thedietologist.com.au/shop/<br/><br/>WANT TO ASK A QUESTION IN SEASON 4? We plan to make Season 4 more interactive and we would love to hear from you! Ask a question here.<br/><br/>Join our popular FREE masterclass today and learn how to avoid the 4 Fertility Diet Mistakes Your Making & What to Do Instead<br/><br/>BOOK AN EXPRESS PRENATAL SUPPLEMENT CONSULT and let's get started on your 2023 family growing goals! Book in here<br/><br/>Welcome to Fertility Friendly Food The Podcast!<br/><br/>I'm Stefanie, expert fertility dietitian and nutritionist, founder of The Dietologist, here to help inspire and empower you with factual nutrition information about women's and men's health, hormones, fertility & pregnancy. A virtual nutrition practice dedicated to women’s health, fertility & pregnancy.<br/><br/>Disclaimer: The information presented in this podcast is not to be replaced by personalised medical or dietetic advice, please speak to your health care professional before making any diet or lifestyle changes. The Dietologist and its guests do not accept any liability for any harm or damages that occur from following any of the suggestions in these podcast episodes.<br/><br/><br/><br/>Download our FREE ultimate pre-conception lifestyle checklist for him and for her at: https://pages.thedietologist.com.au/checklist<br/>Shop our range of meal plans, eBooks, masterclasses and cookbook at: https://thedietologist.com.au/shop/ P.Website: thedietologist.com.au<br/>Want to work one-on-one? Apply for a Complimentary Discovery Call<br/>Instagram: @the_dietologist and @endo.dietitian<br/>Facebook: @thedietologist and @endo.dietitian<br/>Twitter: @the_dietologist <br/><br/>Subscribe, leave a rating and review in Apple Podcasts or Spotify and share the podcast with your friends, family or partner!