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Get Out of Your Own Way + Create Your BIG Vision with Kacia Ghetmiri Part 1
You can bring any vision you have to life when you learn to step into your confidence and trust yourself to succeed!Links + Resources:Connect with Kacia on Instagram | @kacia.ghetmiri
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Check out the program to Rewire YOU for Business & take your business to the next level!Caylacraftpodcast.com
CONNECT WITH CAYLA!Follow Cayla on Instagram @cayla.craftWebsite https://caylacraft.com/
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Show Notes:When you trust in the little steps, big things can happen! This week’s special guest is Kacia Ghetmiri, a podcaster, speaker, and event host who pivoted to follow her true passion! Kacia’s entrepreneurial tale is one of empowerment and confidence that will inspire you to finally get out of your own way to accomplish the things you love. We will discuss community building, setting an example for others to follow, discovering your alignment, and trusting in yourself to achieve & succeed. Whether your vision is big, small, or somewhere in between, you’ll learn how to bring it to life and see it thrive. Don’t hold yourself back any longer! Step out of your own way and step into your confidence once and for all!
00:30 Did you always know you meant to be an entrepreneur?04:40 What was your journey with network marketing?06:55 What conversations did you need to have before you pivoted?10:30 How did you discover your confidence?13:30 How do our goals and priorities change with time?17:10 How did you know you had to build a community first?20:00 Trust in the little steps to make the big vision happen.