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Grit & Grace Leadership Talks with Kate Taylor Episode 8 - Caroline Burrows
We're thrilled to invite you all to join us the podcast for Episode 8, where we have a special guest waiting to inspire you with Caroline Burrows. She's an Accredited EMDR Trainer and Consultant from CJB Consulting & Training, as well as a Practice Director from Mindful Living Counselling and Psychology.Caroline has achieved remarkable milestones throughout her career, and she's here to share her valuable experiences and insights. Curious to know how she paved her path to success? Eager to discover her advice for those interested in learning more? Then you can't afford to miss this episode! Remember, this episode is all about empowerment and growth. Whether you're a professional in the field or someone simply seeking inspiration, there's something valuable for everyone! So spread the word! Share this exciting news with your friends, colleagues, and networks. Let's come together and learn from the best!The podcast series "Grit & Grace Leadership Talks with Kate Taylor" is now available on Apple Podcast and Spotify! Follow us on these platforms and tune in to catch the latest episode. And don't forget to visit our website at taylorcare.com.au for more information and updates!