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GSMC Fitness Podcast Episode 137: Weight & Fat Loss
Weight and fat loss are arguably the most popular reasons to go to the gym. But both have their similarities and their differences. In today's episode, Armany talks about weight and fat loss, their similarities and their differences. As always, if you enjoyed the show, follow us and subscribe to the show: you can find us on iTunes or on any app that carries podcasts as well as on YouTube. Please remember to subscribe and give us a nice review. That way you’ll always be among the first to get the latest GSMC Fitness Podcasts. We would like to thank our Sponsor: GSMC Podcast Network Advertise with US: http://www.gsmcpodcast.com/advertise-with-us.html Website: http://www.gsmcpodcast.com/fitness-podcast.html ITunes Feed: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/....podcast/gsmc-fitness GSMC YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GzldAQRlhl8 Twitter: https://twitter.com/GSMC_Fitness Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Golde....n-State-Media-Concep Disclaimer: The views expressed on the GSMC Fitness Podcast are for entertainment purposes only. Reproduction, copying, or redistribution of The GSMC Fitness Podcast without the express written consent of Golden State Media Concepts LLC is prohibited. ARTICLES: https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/h....ealthy-weight/managi https://youtu.be/wJ0QXCTqjUs https://greatist.com/health/we....ight-loss-vs-fat-los