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How to Be Successful in the Channel in 2023
Is it harder to be a channel agent in today’s market? In this episode of The Channel Champions Podcast, we hear from two experts who share insights into what it takes to be a great agent today and how the channel has evolved since the 90s. Capteon’s Vic Pepe, CEO and Jay Bradley, Chief Partner Success Officer, join the podcast to take us through their journey to building Capteon, why they went this route, and what they learned from previous roles. We also hear some tips for modern agents and why, in some ways, it’s tougher to be an agent in today’s market. Key Moments: How Jay and Vic began working with the channel What was big in the 90s vs. today? How being an agent has changed since then What it takes to be a great agent Why having a niche is best for small companies The mindset you need to work in the channel Why the channel is evolving What’s next for Capteon <br/>Key Links: Connect with Vic on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vic-pepe/ Connect with Jay on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jay-bradley-5a4285/ Capteon: https://capteon.com/ <br/>