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Let it all out - Episode 102 - Til Mets Do Us Part
🚨Episode 102 is LIVE!🚨The Mets are 1/3 through the season and sit at 30-31 as of this recording. A lot different than what last year was at this point. John and Matt went in on what needs to happen with the Mets moving forward and really leaned into the therapy vibe this show was built on. It's Mets talk for over an hour. Come on in! Therapy is in session!Topics include:- Team grade 🔠- Braves series 🪓 -Vogelbach 🚫 -Consistency/Hypocrisy ↔️And so much more!💥SUBSCRIBE 💥⭐RATE⭐✍COMMENT✍We appreciate every single one of you!
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