Midst & The Book Of Constellations + season finale and 3 new seasons coming soon!

0 بازدیدها· 08/31/23
The End Last Week, This Week, and Next Week
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Greetings, and welcome to The End Last Week, This Week, and Next Week, the podcast companion to The End, the weekly newsletter that shines a light back on audio fiction shows after they've reached the finale of a season or the conclusion of the series. I am your host and the curator of The End, Evo Terra. Let’s get into it, shall we?Last WeekThe most recent issue of The End—the 52st—happy anniversary!—highlighted 4 shows in the Season Finales & Finished Series section, and 1 of them wrapped in the last few days.🚜 🌆 🤔 • Dirt - An Audio Drama, a dramatized mystery scifi series from STUDIO5705 & Fable & Folly, posted the season 3 finale on Aug 24. You’ll need about 12 and a half hours to get caught up on all 22 current episodes before the 4th season starts in May of next yearListen to the end of this audio file to hear the season 3 announcement.<br/>This WeekWith every issue, I make two recommendations for great audio fiction I personally love. As with all things in life, YMMV. 🌀👁️🌔 • My first recommendation is for Midst, a narrated trippy scifi fantasy series from Third Person & Critical Role. Midst was acquired by Critical Role in early 2023, and episodes have been remastered, and additional assets are available on the show's website. This is the kind of show I can listen to over and over again. It's very trippy, nearly impossible to categorize, and a serious departure from "normal" audio fiction. Listen to the trailer to get a taste of what I mean. [trailer plays] Midst is re-releasing re-mastered episodes. The first season is up now. Take the seven hours to listen to all 19 episodes. Also, Season 2 is currently releasing.👽👻🤖 • My next recommendation is The Book of Constellations, a narrated scifi series from W. Keith Tims & Alien Ghost Robot. “Cozy” is a quick way to summarize how I felt listening to this show. A surprising feeling given the topic, for sure. Listen and see what you think. Here’s the teaser episode. [trailer plays]  The Book of Constellations has reached the finale of the first season. You’ll need just over 8 hours to listen to all 16 episodes. Season two is in the planning stages.<br/>Next WeekThe latest issue of The End has 9 entries in the New Seasons Coming Soon section—9? Goodness me!—and 3 of them begin releasing episodes of their next seasons in just a few days.Hell Gate City, a dramatized scifi comedy from Kevin Berrey & Screaming Panda, starts its 2nd season today!. You’ll need three and a half hours to listen to the 11 episodes of the 1st season.🌉🦾🤣
Murphy's Inc., a dramatized scifi time-traveling heist story from Mark Helton & 97toNow Productions, starts its 2nd season tomorrow, Sept 1. Listen to all 6 episodes of the 1st season in less than 3 h

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