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Navigating Life with Senior Parents & Bro Science Weight Loss Myths
Jeanine and Mike are back in the pod...Things get a little heated when these two disagree on the definition of funeral... They quickly recover and dive into what it like to have senior parents and things that you really need to think about. The second half of the hour they discuss some popular weight loss myths from the bro science days.
Jeanine Personal IGHttps://www.instagram.com/mrsceo_j
Weight Loss IGHttps://www.instagram.com/jsbodybootcamp
YouTube Https://www.youtube.com/c/jeanineescobar
Amazon StorefontHttps://www.amazon.com/shop/mrsceo_j
BUILT Bar Discount code: MRSCEOJhttps://builtbar.com?baapp=MRSCEOJ
INNO Supps Code Jeanine