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November 2022 Energy Report
There is something that happens when people move beyond the awakening stage into awareness and acknowledgement. Their initial awakened state of anger turns into empowered purpose (if they can move beyond the anger) and they have extreme clarity where they were once blind to a situation. This kind of awareness is a gift of awakening and it carries with it the knowledge that once awakened, you never go back to sleep. That is why so many people hesitate to set foot on the 4D bridge because they know that once they do they can never return to full 3D ignorance, illusion, density, and limitation. For some that is a blessing, for others it is the very reason why they are more than happy to stay in the darkness and density of 3D. See my article It’s Getting Crowded on the 4D Bridge.As I say, once you set foot on the 4D bridge there is no turning back. Well, here we are and it’s definitely full speed ahead even though November opens with aspects that may be interpreted as requiring us to slow down, reconsider, refresh, and pause but that is not how I feel at all. We have the GO sign in our lane and we have a lot to do.The message of November is Warriors – Stand and Rise. We are warriors for the light. We don’t have to fight with swords and arrows, our energy toolkit contains the light and energy frequencies that can dispel any dark force. It is our imperative to rise to the perils and challenges of 3D and engage with our own karmic battles. This is the fight of our lives and it is the fight that we have lived to fight for millennia. Our imperative to stand is to be energetically sovereign, to engage with our divinity to strengthen our energetic being and become divine humans.Our imperative to rise is to see each challenge as a chance to raise our vibes, move up the ascension spiral, to shift the energetic frequency and vibration of our life path. Are you ready to engage your warrior spirit? It is within you and always has been. Your fear of doing harm prevents you from fully activating your power but know that you cannot do harm to others when the battle is between light and dark. Light does not harm the darkness, it merely converts it to light. November is an 11 month and this month’s numerology value is 8, the sign of infinite wisdom and creativity, and repetition. The energy of 8 reminds us of the endless cycles of the universe which can be a source of comfort and guideposts for karmic choices or they can become our energetic prison if we get lost in the lesson and never reach the release of enlightenment.We begin November in an eclipse window between two powerful eclipses, October 25 and November 8. And with a Mars retrograde, which I believe is an excellent aspect for this period given its sign and complementary energies. Some people say this is a time to slow down, reflect, and delay action. Not at all. Instead, it’s time to clear the decks, to get rid of long-standing, no longer useful attitudes, beliefs, and connections. Mars will give you the energy to act and with the retro in Gemini, the sign that rules karma, you’ll get a glimpse into the karmic cords that have been your source of limitation, grief, pain, and suffering for many lifetimes.read the rest of the article on the blog at enlighteninglife.com