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Our Mom on Getting Older, Parenting Advice, Raising Us & Weens Dating
E136 – Our mom visits & weighs in on topics including design, death, and parenting teenagers. Some great stories from our rebellious teen phases come out & mom learns a little too much about what we were up to. Who is her favorite? Who snuck a girl into their attic? Did she know when we became -ahem- active? We talk finding our tribes and feeling comfortable in social situations. And then we do a tour of Julianne’s online dating profile & check out some potential suitors! We have lots of laughs amongst many heartfelt moments with mom. We hope you enjoy this episode! Watch this episode on youtube.com/channel/UCgeuFSExQ2EaHYSG-s4sgZw<br /> ►Outline<br /> 00:00 – Introduction<br /> 04:00 – Mom on design<br /> 08:00 – I’m not a hoarder<br /> 14:30 – Getting older, burden, last wishes<br /> 21:25 – Julianne in social work<br /> 23:55 – (Dream Dinners Ad)<br /> 26:00 – Our teen years, stories<br /> 34:55 – Why rebellion<br /> 38:45 – Sexually active<br /> 42:30 – Life 360, control<br /> 46:00 – Finding your tribe<br /> 53:35 – Does mom admit favorite?<br /> 58:26 – Parenting in the 80’s<br /> 1:09:25 – Julianne’s online dating ►Thank you to our patrons – our family! Join the fun, get free swag & bonus content – like deleted scenes from this ep! https://www.patreon.com/mouseandweens<br /> ►Credits: “Mouse and Weens” theme song by Julianne Eggold https://www.julianneeggold.com “Columbus Stockade Blues” cover by Joyce Carter. Voice actor: Matt Thompson<br /> ►Promo: Love These Mother Daughter Talks https://podfixnetwork.com/love-these-mother-daughter-talks/<br /> Our network: Podfix https://podfixnetwork.com<br /> ►Sponsor: Dream Dinners! Quickly make homemade meals stress-free & have more quality time for you & your family! Dream Dinners is nationwide. If within 25 mi of Poway or San Marcos MOUSEANDWEENS99 for $99 off 1st order! Visit link on https://www.mouseandweens.com<br /> ►Please follow, subscribe, talk to us: Socials @mouseandweens everywhere | https://linktr.ee/mouseandweens | mouseandweens@gmail.com | 858-319-1089