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Powerful Ancestral Healing Meditation | Clear Past Life Karma & Blockages [Do This within 72 Hours!]
20 Minutes that will Change Your Life!! - While dark energies are being consumed during this period, it's important to protect your energies and do the correct practices. Between the 10th September and 25th September the Ancestral Portal is open and is a divine time to cleanse from past life negative karma and blockages. This powerful meditation will help you clear all negativity, protect your energies and rise through this period. <br/><br/>For best results do this meditation once a day until the 25th and listen through headphones laying down on your back. <br/><br/>Love & Blessings for all,<br/>Team Iamverse <br/><br/><br/>ππΌπβ¨ Get Your FREE TICKET to the Next Full Moon SATSANG: https://iamverse.com/satsang<br/><br/>Other Offers and Upcoming events, Trainings and Retreats:<br/> https://www.iamverse.com/gifts/<br/><br/>Follow Master's INSTA to Get All Behind The Scenes & Daily STORIES!! π―<br/>https://www.instagram.com/master_sri_...<br/><br/>TIKTOK & YOUTUBE: @MasterSriAkarshana