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Prestige & The Lesser Dead + 3 complete series and 1 new season coming soon!
Greetings, and welcome to The End Last Week, This Week, and Next Week, the podcast companion to The End, the weekly newsletter that shines a light back on audio fiction shows after they've reached the finale of a season or the conclusion of the series. I am your host and the curator of The End, Evo Terra. Let’s get into it, shall we?Last WeekThe most recent issue of The End—the 50th—highlighted 6 shows in the Season Finales & Finished Series section, and 3 of them wrapped in the last few days.ππͺπͺ • Mud 79 - A Fan Made Star Wars Story, a dramatized scifi from Fearless Fred Kennedy & Curiouscast, posted the final episode… today! It’s fully complete at 12 episodes - It features a diverse cast and all advertising dollars earned by Fred Kennedy goes to Make A Wish Foundation. It’s good for almost 9 hours of entertainment.
π΅οΈβοΈποΈπ¨π • Blum, a dramatized mystery mockumentary from El Extraordinario, posted the final episode of the series yesterday. With backing from Switzerland Tourism, this is El Extraordinario's first venture into English language as a Spain-based shop. There are 9 episodes or just over 3 hours of content.πβ οΈπ΅οΈβοΈ • Homicide at Heavensgate, a dramatized scifi mystery tale from Sentinel Studios is complete as of August 11th. One of the lead characters is a detective with Dwarfism, and is played by a actor with Dwarfism. There are 6 episodes for just over 3 hours of entertainment.Listen to the end of this audio file to hear the trailers or episode snippets for these 5 shows.<br/>This WeekWith every issue, I make two recommendations for great audio fiction I personally love. As with all things in life, YMMV. ππΉππ° • My first recommendation is for Prestige, a nicely done bit of international historical fiction that is all too familiar. It’s from Raenbo Media and is about plantation-era Haiti. Here’s the trailer: [trailer plays] Prestige has a single season (and there may not be more, as the story reaches a nice conclusion) currently. Only 8 short episodes provide just under an hour and a half of goodness.
π§πΊπ½ • My second recommendation is for The Lesser Dead, a dramatized thriller from Echoverse & SALT. It’ a vampire tale, but not your typical one. First off, this show is packed with pro talent. Second: no sparkly vampires—just some funky ones. And wow... what an ending! Here’s the trailer: [trailer plays] The Lesser Dead is Complete at 8 episodes for just under 4 hours of funky… well, fun isn’t the right word. Just listen. It’s great.<br/>Next WeekThe latest issue of The End has 4 entries in the New Seasons Coming Soon section, and one of them starts dropping new episodes of a new season in just a few days.