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CONGRESSIONAL CONTACT FORM TO SUPPORT AM RADIO:https://p2a.co/fTcWN8G TODAYS HOT TOPICS Zelensky back in US asking for more money Democrats concerned about Ukraine’s border, what about OUR border? New Poll says 3 out of 4 Americans believe we are becoming a police state Poland backing away from support of Ukraine 12 increases in interest rates since Biden in office 8 days away from start of early voting in Louisiana Advocate supporting Waguespack for Governor Relations between City Council and Mayor at all time low here in New Orleans RADIO SHOW GUESTS 8:33 a.m. CT: (Floating) DONNA CAROL VOSS, AUTHOR AND COMMENTATOR; RINGSIDE POLITICS ALL-STAR; 9:33 a.m. CT: (Floating) STEPHANIE BERAULT, CANDIDATE, STATE HOUSE, DISTRICT 76; https://www.stephanieberault.com/<br /> 10:05 a.m. CT: CHRIS HOLTON, Vice President of Outreach, Center for Security Policy; Ringside Politics All-Star; <br /> 10:33 a.m. CT: (Floating) PERRY JOHNSON, GOP CANDIDATE FOR PRESIDENT; https://www.perryjohnson.com/ http://defendthem.net. AUDIO CLIPS Biden Giving Illegals Work Permits https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mho_zUBFva8 Sen. Ted Cruz Discusses Biden Border Disaster https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DmfddPKzeR4 Press Secretary Will Not Answer Border Question https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Ma9drwRook Immigrant Protesters Drown Out Nancy Pelosi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QSMN3ewdjR0 Two-Thirds of Hispanics are Not Happy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4J26PyYRudM Biden Calls Hispanic Caucus the Black Caucus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ysMY_eC8qG0 PA Voters