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Robby Reviews... Barbie (2023)
Join Robby today as he reviews... Barbie!Ken: Is it just me or did these mojo dojo casa houses just get a whole lot dreamier? Barbie: That's because they're Dreamhouses, motherf-Grab your rollerblades, put on your biggest smile, and try not to think about death as Robby breaks down the pinkest movie of 2023 with special guest Sammi. Follow the show on Instagram @robbyreviewsmoviesJoin him on TikTok @1950StudiosFollow Special Guest Sammi on Instagram @thesam.a.lamMentioned in this episode:Join Limitless Broadcasting at 90s Con!Come chat with Robby and Sammi at 90s Con Tampa, September 15th to 17th at the Tampa Convention Center!