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Moon in the Twelfth House? Sun in the Third? What does it all mean??? Today we begin our official introduction to the Twelve Houses in Astrology, which provide the framework of every chart! I go over different house classifications and functions and then cover the meanings and significations of houses One, Two, and Three. Today's Reading List:Catching the Big Fish https://amzn.to/48xzPIoMy Year of Rest and Relaxation https://amzn.to/48mMpdsLlewellyn's Complete Book of Astrology https://amzn.to/3EWwSDP
Llewellyn's Astrology Calendar 2024 (love, love these for transits at-a-glance) https://amzn.to/48rEMmb
*As an Amazon Affiliate, I may receive a small commission from items purchased through links with no additional cost to you.
Follow Katherine on ig @eearthkinBook your Birth Chart Reading at www.metroastrology.com