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Special Day of Giving Preview with Snerixx and Animals!
Special Day of Giving Preview LIVE with Snerixx and Animals! Watch the For-All Pawdcast LIVE on November 9. This is a special “Day of Giving” preview edition of SPCA Tampa Bay’s podcast. Every November, SPCA Tampa Bay hosts a “Day of Giving” where all donations made that day are matched by our sponsors! That means for one day only, your donation will be doubled. This annual campaign is vital to help us take care for thousands of animals that come through our doors each year.Join us LIVE on Wednesday, November 9 as we go behind-the-scenes with our shelter animals and learn why monetary support from the community is so vital in their care. And mark your calendars for SPCA Tampa Bay’s “Day of Giving” on Thursday, November 10. More information about SPCA Tampa Bay’s Day of Giving is available online at https://spcatampabay.org/day-of-giving ---#SPCATBDayOfGiving #ForAllPAWDcast #SPCATampaBay #SPCATBVetCenter #ForAll #Humanimality #AnimalShelter #ShelterAnimals #Animals #FacebookLive #LiveBroadcast #Dogs #Cats #Rabbits #Birds #Wildlife #AllAnimals