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Star Wars SDCC Reveals & News | Star Wars & Scotch | Episode 139
This week, San Diego Comic Con revealed a BUNCH of new information for Star Wars fans including the plan for Phase 3 of the High Republic, Star Wars: Outlaws mechanics and backstory, and even more information on new worlds!
Podcast Chapters:0:00:08 Intro0:06:42 Star Wars Galaxies Private Server0:21:40 Kevin likes High Republic0:36:30 Future Home Plans & Disney Park Secrets0:43:00 High Republic Future...Gaming Community Expo '23 Tickets and Information https://www.gcxevent.com/
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This season of "Star Wars & Scotch", a Star Wars-themed podcast, is sure to bring the laughs and insights you need to stay up to date with all things related to the galaxy far, far away. Be sure to subscribe now so you don't miss out on any surprises or debates!
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