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Sunny Side Up Podcast Episode 4: Meeting Lewis Howes/Sunny Side of Energy Flow/My 6 Ways to Raise Your Vibrational Energy
In this episode, hear about Tara Lynn meeting LEWIS HOWES!! Tara Lynn talks about her experience at Lewis Howes' Summit of Greatness 2023! Then, on to a discussion of ENERGY flow!! Learn about ENERGY and discover 6 Ways to Raise your Vibrational ENERGY!! Listen to learn and find the Sunny Side of Life!!<br/><br/>Preview: "Energy is neither created nor destroyed"..... "You are a direct reflection of the 5 people you spend most of your time with"....<br/>1. Mind the people you are surrounding yourself with.<br/>2. What are you putting into your brain?<br/>3. Choose Uplifting Music<br/>4. THINK GOOD THOUGHTS.<br/>5. Practice GRATITUDE.<br/>6. Move your body~Change your mind!!<br/><br/>Want more from Tara Lynn? Find her on Facebook at Tara Lynn Wellness, and online at Taralynnwellness.com<br/><br/>Tara Lynn, M.Ed., is a Wellness Coach and Yoga Instructor. She is obsessed with all things motivation & personal growth! Listen, subscribe, and please share!!<br/><br/>Please also consider donating to the show! Tara Lynn is using all of her donations to build the show and help others become the best version of themselves. Just follow the "Support the show link".<br/><br/>Thank you so much and have a Sunny Side Up Day!!! :-)<br/><br/> Support the showPlease consider supporting the show! Tara Lynn is dedicated to helping others live their best lives. She adds value to others through her coaching and yoga practices, offering free services to cancer patients. Any donations received will go right back into her efforts of making the world a better place! Tap on the "Support the Show" link to help out. Thank you in advance!<br/><br/>Support the Show Link;<br/>https://www.buzzsprout.com/2218812/supporters/new