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The 5:00 News – Road Closures, School Board Response to Raleigh, Arts Center Move
97.9 The Hill’s Andrew Stuckey presents the afternoon news. Included in this edition of the news are several significant road closures coming to Chapel Hill next week. We also hear the CHCCS Board’s response to some recent veto overrides by the General Assembly, a story on the Arts Center in Carrboro’s upcoming move, and the possibility of new commissioner districts in Chatham County. In sports, UNC Women’s Soccer opens the season with a tie. 97.9 The Hill WCHL and Chapelboro.com are your headquarters for local news in Chapel Hill-Carrboro. Every weekday afternoon, 97.9 The Hill’s Andrew Stuckey recaps the day’s news, from local government to business developments to UNC sports. Find all of Andrew’s 5:00 News Reports by clicking here. The post The 5:00 News – Road Closures, School Board Response to Raleigh, Arts Center Move appeared first on Chapelboro.com.