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The Banking Equation That Will Build Your Wealth Exponentially With Vance Lowe
If you think the only wayto grow your wealth is by investing and saving, then you’re missing out. Hereto introduce the banking equation to building your wealth is Vance Lowe. Vanceis a Certified IBC Practitioner and the CEO of Private Banking Strategies. With40 years in the financial industry, Vance has accumulated extensive knowledgein the financial arena, which he now shares with as many people as possible. Hejoins Matt Fore to educate and enlighten us on the power of becoming your ownbank and leveraging insurance policies to maximize long-term earnings andreturns. The insight Vance shares in this episode could change everything youthought you knew about money. Tune in for golden nuggets that could hold thekey to your financial freedom. Guest Links:LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/va....ncedlowe-rfc-chfc-35 Website: https://privatebankingstrategies.com/Podcast: https://privatebankingstrategies.blubrry.net/