The Final Days of Hospice and What to Expect with Barbara Karnes
Today my guest is Barbara Karnes, an Award Winning Nurse and End of Life Educator. She was NHPCO (The National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization) Hospice Innovator Award Winner of 2018 & the 2015 International Humanitarian Woman of the Year. Barbara has put her 40 years of experience regarding education, care, and support of dying people and their loved ones into numerous books and resources. One book in particular Gone From My Sight: The Dying Experience, published in 1985, has sold over 35 million copies world wide. Known in the hospice world as “the little blue book” it is the most beloved and widely used resource of its kind. All of her booklets are essential resources in navigating end of life care. Today we discuss how to prepare ourselves and our care partners including how to chose the right hospice, what happens with food and other physical and emotional issues at end of life and how we can be prepared and present as caregivers for those final moments. SHOW NOTES