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The H-Bomb Detonated! 06/27-07/17/2023
#freesheila Bombs are going off left, right, front, and center Bold is being Bold for sure! Hope makes a decision that is going to change the lives of everyone close to her. Thomas finally gets what he has always wanted, and we visit our favorite soap jail inmate Sheila! Check out our new special episode of The B&B Mini Spotlight@: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYe_zQqCzhA Please get in touch with us at: Email@ amanda@theboldandbeautifulpodcast.com Website@ https://theboldandbeautifulpodcast.com Our socials@ https://twitter.com/B_BPodcast https://www.instagram.com/theb....oldandbeautifulpodca https://www.facebook.com/BoldandBeautifulPodcast/ We now have Merch on ebay, Amazon: https://a.co/d/2m9vqqr , Shopify :https://bold-and-beautiful-podcast.myshopify.com/ Don’t forget to check out the Y&R Mini Spotlight below or on YouTube @ JLJ Media https://www.youtube.com/playli....st?list=PLUIKfpZHqrK