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The Hormonal & Surgical Approaches to Aging - Part 2
Highlights: Why do women seek out internal vaginal rejuvenation and how does laser treatment help? (00:53) How tummy tucks can help treat stress urinary incontinence (03:28) How injections can help improve blood flow and nerve regeneration for sexual health in both men and women (07:05) The differences between traditional medicine and regenerative medicine (12:18) How IV therapy works, particularly in post-op patients (15:37) The role of peptide treatment in regenerative medicine (22:42) The role testosterone plays in hair loss and common treatment options (30:15) The use of peptide treatment for pain relief and injury healing (35:29) The biggest takeaways for combining plastic surgery with hormone treatment including recovery & downtime (41:04) Links:RevitalyzeMD: https://www.revitalyzemd.com/ Dr. Jason Hall, MD Shop my top skin care picks: Get our Favorite Products HERE!! Website: https://drjasonhall.com/ Twitter: twitter.com/jhallmd Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jhallmd/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DrHallPlasticSurgery/