The Mike Church Show-If You Miss Rush, Give Mike Church A Listen!
Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines 6:03am cst Welcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show 844-5CRUSADE Did you miss yesterday’s LIVE Mike Church Show? Worry not, you can listen to all previously aired shows at the new CRUSADE MAX – HEADLINE RUNDOWN 38m 45m Debate Between Gavin Newsom and Ron DeSantis HEADLINE: Hillary Clinton warns Joe Biden in private meeting that third-party candidates could prove disastrous for him as White House insider calls situation ‘pretty f***ing concerning’ by Nikki Schwab This tells me he intends to run for the Presidency and the Democrat party has already laid down all kinds of laws for him which he didn’t like. He is talking w/ the libertarians now for a possible move to a 3rd party. Why would he do this and does it make sense? The libertarian party is already on the ballot in all states. That is a BIG bar to cross that has already been laid down here in the states. If he goes Libertarian, the democrats would have to go out and savage one of their own. Hillary Clinton warned President Joe Biden in a private meeting that he needed to take the threat of a third-party challenger seriously, as he faces all-time high disapproval ratings and sits behind former President Donald Trump in some surveys. Biden is down by ten points against Trump, 42 percent to Trump’s 52 percent, in a two-way race, among registered voters. When third-party options are included, Biden loses to Trump 36 percent to 39 percent. In that scenario a libertarian candidate would take 5 percent of the electorate, a No Labels candidate would siphon away 5 percent and a Green Party candidate would get the support of 4 percent. HEADLINE: Polls Show Democrat Campaign Strategy Of Indicting Political Opponents Has Backfired Horrifically by Mollie Hemingway Biden is now being called Jim Crow Joe. He forgot LL Cool J’s name and then proceeded to call him ‘boy’. You NEVER call a black man a boy. Joe Biden is just not likable. The people that say they like him are just play