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The Mysterious Unsolved Dissaperance of Veronica Blumhorst - September 4 2023
September 4th: Veronica Blumhorst Born (1969)
In some cases, it seems as if a person simply vanishes off the face of the planet. On September 4th 1969 a young girl in the prime of her life disappeared in a case that seems to have very little in the way of evidence but quite a few odd coincidences that make things all the more complicated.
https://charleyproject.org/cas....e/veronica-jill-blum https://www.fbi.gov/wanted/vic....ap/missing-persons/v https://www.shawlocal.com/news....-tribune/news/local/ https://www.walls102.com/29th-....anniversary-of-blumh https://www.facebook.com/group....s/254098139036/about
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