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The Quickie: How to Get the Raise You Deserve
To quote our generation’s thought leader, Britney Spears: “You wanna live fancy? Party in France? You better work.” But also, you better ask for fair compensation. Just thinking about asking for a raise makes us cringe, but no one else is going to do it for us, so tits up: It’s time to start advocating for ourselves. The good news is, most managers and companies want to keep their employees happy, so this week we’re spilling the tea on everything you need to set yourself up for success. From shifting our mindset, tracking performance, and the scripts to use for your conversation, this is the official guide to getting a raise!Join us as we chat about:Unlearning imposter syndromeHow to tell if you’re being compensated fairlyTracking your wins and collecting your performance receipts When to broach the conversation with your bossLeveraging competitive opportunities Perfecting your pitchMaking the most of development opportunitiesWhat you can negotiate in addition to your salaryWe hope this helps you find the courage to confidently ask for what you deserve!For show notes and more adulting tips, visit: teachmehowtoadult.caSign up for our monthly adulting newsletter:teachmehowtoadult.ca/newsletter Follow us on the ‘gram:instagram.com/teachmehowtoadultmedia instagram.com/yunggillianaire/instagram.com/cailynmichaan/